30+ years of making legacy count

30+ years of making legacy count

Helping our clients to ensure their assets best serve them now, and in the future

Founded in 1991, our legacy as a pioneer turned market leader is built on the backbone of the innovative spirit, knowledge, experience and expertise of all colleagues, past and present. Today Lombard International Group is a leading global provider of customised insurance based wealth, estate and succession planning solutions.

Our 30+ years’ experience means that we understand what matters when it comes to protecting and preserving wealth today, so that it can be passed on to generations to come. This is what drives us. We have the expertise and global reach to help our partners, clients and their trusted advisers navigate changing times, unpredictable geopolitical landscapes, complex requirements, dynamic financial markets and shifting regulatory regimes. Serving the needs of upper affluent, HNW or UNHW individuals, families, their advisers or institutions, we exist to make our clients’ legacy count.

Our 30+ year milestone is testament to the value we place in all our partnerships and is a marked celebration of the specialist knowledge, leadership, operational and service excellence that is driven and achieved by our exceptionally talented and dedicated 450+ people, located in 9 cities across the world.

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Providing tailored and flexible wealth planning solutions


Over 30 years ago we pioneered the wealth assurance industry. Today, our Private Clients Business serves the wealth, estate and succession planning needs of upper affluent, high net worth, ultra-high net worth individuals and families, working in partnership with our business partners. These partners come in many different forms, all equally important to us, including private banks, family offices, asset managers, independent wealth and financial advisers, wealth and insurance brokers and professional advisory firms. Our wealth structuring solutions are comprehensive, compliant and proven, whilst also highly flexible, portable and adaptable to evolving lifestyles, that stretch across multiple jurisdictions and asset classes.


Building strong, collaborative partnerships for the long-term


When we talk about making legacy count, long-term partnerships are paramount. For over 30 years we have been working collaboratively with our partners to design and structure solutions to protect and preserve the wealth of individuals, families or institutions that they advise. Against the backdrop of an increasingly digitally-connected and complex world, our innovation, agility, expertise and knowledge is at the forefront to meet the most complex of financial needs with choice and flexibility.


Unparalleled global reach and expertise


Our international team of 450+ experienced wealth structuring specialists, subject-matter and technical experts, located in more than 9 cities across the world, serving over 15 markets consists of 40+ different nationalities, speaking over 30+ languages. This means we have exceptional local market knowledge and understanding of regional cultures, needs and unique requirements. Combined with our broad geographical footprint and over 30 years’ experience, this is how we provide market leading customised insurance-based wealth solutions in your language, on an unparalleled, global scale.

Our own legacy


Reflecting on our own legacy, we know that in order to protect, preserve and pass on wealth across generations, in an increasingly complex world – experience, partnership and leadership matter. This is why our measure of success is to see legacy live on.